dijous, 18 de maig del 2017


Complejo de la Moncloa
Avnda del Hierro
2807 Madrid, Spain

Dear Mr. president Rajoy,
I am writing to you to express and stand out all complainments of human rights violation I've recived since I was little.

Firstly, I would like to show the meaning of human rights according to ONU: "Human rights are those rights everyone has for the simple fact of being and they must be respected".

The sixth right orders legal recognition and equality in front of the country law but we all know that's not true. Nowadays the majority of politicians are stealing money from population but law is not trying them for that.

Secondly, there is a human rights which orders freedom of expression and months ago a girl was tried because she had done a satirical comment about an ancient dictator.

Finally, there is a right saying that all people has the liberty to democratic participation but the entire world has contempleted that Spain doesn't follow this right. Catalonia is asking for general elections but it seems very difficult to take that dream into reality.
Wish you would think about it, 



It is a well-known fact that the Intenet has changed our lives, since it was discoverd. Although is has affected different aspects of people's routine, the impact of internet on education has been the hardest one, in my point of view. 
Before the Internet, students used to spend their time reading long and boring books from the library to pass the exams but nowadays teenagers don't have to move their bodies, they can search information while they are sitting on the sofa! On one hand it is a good mechanism because you can learn anything you are interested in but, on the other one there is plenty of information and no one knows if it is all correct. It seems cool, for the government, to change books for laptops, but I peronsally think they aren't conscious of the role of education because following their thoughts, students are getting distracted from their priority; they are using video games at class instead of listening the teacher.


It is often claimed that Earth's climate is changing quicker. Pollution is increasing and its consequences are appearing in the societies. High temperatures are hitting the freeze water of the extremes of the world and consequently it will cause an animal extinction, it is because we are creating particles which absorb the world's radiation and it doesn't let them go out of the planet. The goverment has the power to solve this problem, because it controls advertising, but it wouldn't do it for fear of losing money, which is the most important topic, according to it. Pertoil is an economical source and it is not interesting to shop or get down its sold out. One such example to decrise pollution is forbiding the use of particular cars or asking the population to take the public transport but doing it means to slash princes of thic vehicle.


Since I was little I've been living in Spain, specifically in Catalonia, and it means that I've always done all subjects in school, except English and French, in Catalan or Spanish. Nowadays, considering my high level of both official languages in Catalonia. I can write a comparation between them and prove their similar aspects because of their latin roots. 
The most surprising fact in the "catalan state" (I hope it will be independent) in is our particular traditions and parties, as some as our gastronomy.
We usually celebrate Sant Jordi's, which is a catalan celebrity and people who are in love give presents to each other.

dijous, 11 de maig del 2017


A problem that is often a point of dealing with is the addiction, for the great majority of teenagers, to mobile phones. 
The successful launching of the first smartphone had increased the longing of people and everyone wanted to have one. The first function of this device is called, but is having lots of applications that allows you to achieve your goals, as a result of their intelligence, people, specifically teenagers, want to get this electrical device as soon as possible. On the one hand, it is good because you can find all kinds of information, but in the other one, people are hanging more private information and are getting addicted and that is why they are setting some aspects of their lives apart. Let me exemplify this concept by the situation of a teenager who wastes time on the mobile phone in contrast to study. 
In conclusion, I think there isn't a problem of the high consumption of technology but everyone must be able to decide when should use it or not.


Dear Mr or Ms editor, 

for hundreds and hundreds of years, people have been able to get divorced even if it was for a violent reason. That ridiculous law was established by the church and anyone knows exactly why can it be because one God has accepted your marriage, it has trusted on you, you can't get him down?
Although Spain has been later than other countries in the aspect of evolution, finally democracy has accepted divorce. 
It is an obvious fact that relationships can break up because something is wrong. For that reason, I think that in every step of history, people wants to get divorced but the church doesn't want it.

Hope you have understood it, 



Dear family, 

since I've arrived here I realised that there are several differences from our education system and Catalonia's one. It shouldn't mean that one of them is better than the other but in that case, it is.

Education system in Spain is based on the idea of trying to pass selectivity, which is an exam that all students must do if they want to apply in university. If you have a bad day and you don't pass it, you won't be able to turn your dream, of going to university, into reality.
Another trouble comes from the idea of having subjects in common in all batxillerats. For example, scientist people, who loves numbers, must do philosophy exams because they consider that culture, but humanistic people don't have any idea of how our body works.
In China, luckily, it is very different and people do what they want to do. Apart from that, it is all very good. Barcelona is a beautiful and enjoyable city.

Hope to see you soon, 
