The film "The Danish girl" is based on a novel written by Davis Ebershoff, which also has the same title. The film was directed by Tom Hooper and it stars Eddie Redmayne, who won an Oscar, Alicia Vikander, Amber Heard and Matthias Schoerarnts.
The film is set in Denmark in the 1920s and it was filmed on location in the UK, Brussels and Copenhague.
The film is about a story from Lili Elbe, the first transsexual woman who was subjected to an operation of sex change.
There was a couple, where the wife was a painter, so she asked to her husband to put if he was a dancer. He liked the idea and finally he discovered that his dream was to be a woman. After visiting a lot of doctors, he decided to be the subject of an operation, where he (or she) will be transformed.
I recommend this film to narrow-minded people, who don't accept the idea of being another person who you aren't, to open their minds.
It has a unforgettable soundtrack. It doesn't have sequels but I hope some day Tom Hooper will make another film like this one.