For the great majority of people it is usual to go to the supermarket once or maybe twice a week. Although supermarkets in my town are almost the same I know a lot of people who buy in different shops of food, for different reasons: because they like something specific from a supermarket, because most things are cheaper... But I really know a few people who choose the food of their own orchard and not for a money issue, it is because they seriously doubt about the source and the composition from food.
is plenty of preservative, products to get a better presentation about fruit
and vegetables... Days ago I watched a documental about products in food and
they explain that a chicken breed in a farm contains an average of 12 vaccines
from different diseases.
For the great majority of people it is usual to go to the supermarket once or maybe twice a week. Although supermarkets in my town are almost the same I know a lot of people who buy in different shops of food, for different reasons: because they like something specific from a supermarket, because most things are cheaper... But I really know a few people who choose the food of their own orchard and not for a money issue, it is because they seriously doubt about the source and the composition from food.
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