diumenge, 19 de març del 2017


Summer is in the corner so one of the first problems about that is the sun. Spending a long time in the sun is dangerous and can give skin cancer. But in the other hand, not spending enough time in the sun is bad for you, because to create vitamin D you need sunlight. This vitamin is important for strong bones and a healthy immune system, and scientists say that it also makes people feel happier.

So, my conclusion, is that if you want to be tanner, you have to sunbath with precaution but spending a few minutes in the sun without it, it's also good for your health and your happiness

divendres, 17 de març del 2017


How important is fashion to you?
It is universally acknowledge that even if we say they don't, first impressions matters but there are different points of view about that. 
For the great majority of people fashion is more important than it shoud be, they tink we have to pay more attention to family, friends and studies than we do because we are obsessed about clothes or beauty. They maintain that fashion is just a waste of time making yourself being better while putting others down.
Others thoughts are that fashion is one of the most important topics in our society because if you're fashion means that you're cool and you would make more friends than you have, not only in the real life but also in virtual life (websites).
I feel strongly that we must take care about our appearence, obiously, but fashion is important until a limit. Nowadays there are a lot of young people, especially girls, going mad about clothes and that's not bad at all, but related to clothes and fashion there's beauty. To publicize clothes business use the image of young, pretty and thin woman and it makes adolescents dream with that body and that's the point which we don't have a fashion trouble, we have a really important health problem.



For the great majority of people it is usual to go to the supermarket once or maybe twice a week. Although supermarkets in my town are almost the same I know a lot of people who buy in different shops of food, for different reasons: because they like something specific from a supermarket, because most things are cheaper... But I really know a few people who choose the food of their own orchard and not for a money issue, it is because they seriously doubt about the source and the composition from food.
Food is plenty of preservative, products to get a better presentation about fruit and vegetables... Days ago I watched a documental about products in food and they explain that a chicken breed in a farm contains an average of 12 vaccines from different diseases.


Joalousy is a common feeling especially between people who are in love. When you fall in love with someone you don't want to spend time with other people but you only want to stay with your "darling". At the point you observe that there is someone who also wants to share experiences with your love, your humour starts changing and it develops jealousy. 
From my point of view I think everyone had been into this situation although you hadn't been in love; because you can develop jealousy in every step of life and even for friends.  
Every single human wants to be the best so everyone wants to get the best and this create a competitive role in society, even if it mens to step on people. I really don't know if being jealous is or not good for human health and security but I can only confirm that jealousy exists.



1. Discuss. Why do we love? It's heart-breaking and complicated most of the times yet do we need it at all?
Personally, I think that love is whats mekes people wake up everyday. It is an unconsious feeling that everyone have, in different ways and forces, because we need a life partner whom function is making your life more enjoyful than it is and making you very happy. Related to love there's happiness, as I has said, so in conclusion we love because we want happiness and there's no better way to be glad than beig next to people you love. 

 2. How does the video define love? Put the words in order

Intoxicating - 2
Heart-breaking - 3
Beautiful - 1
Soul crushing - 4

3. What are the 5 Philosophers mentioned?



4. Watch again and write each Philosopher's view in love.

Plato - Love makes us whole, again.
Schopenhauer - Love tricks us into having babies
Russell - Love is escape from out loneliness
Buddha - Love is a misleading affliction
Cao Xueqin - Dream of the Red Chamber
Beauvoir - Love lets us reach beyond ourselves

5. Vocabulary work, which philosopher says what?

Another boredom means dependence on power games and Beauvoir.
We succeed in perpetuating human species and perpetuating human tragedy Schopenhauer.
Psychological and physical quench our desires Russell.
It Enrich together our whole bling Russell.
Attachments are a great source of Suffering Buddha.
Love is the longing to find a soulmate who would make us feel whole again Plato

dijous, 16 de març del 2017



Snow has been piling up in parts of United States as a huge winter storm called "Stella" and it brings blizzards and disrumption in several states. 
In Washington the streets were blanketed of snow, schools were closed and traffic became jummed up. New York has also suffered from this consequences with icy rain and strong gusts of wind. 
Governor Andrew Cuomo said the consequences hadn't been as bas as they were going to be but some stats had experienced blizzard conditions. He also said that mother nature is sometimes unpredictable. 
The National Weather Service warned that 50 million of people from Pennyslavia might be affected. For this reason thousand flights across the country were deleted and a lot of people happened his vacations in the airport.
Fortunately this storm is near its end. 
Link to the webside:http://www.euronews.com/2017/03/14/storm-stella-brings-blizzards-and-disruption-to-us-northeast (14/03/2017)



A team of scientists found that predatory spiders eat an estimated 400 to 800 tones of prey per year. This number is at least equal or double what all humans eat of fish and meat during a year. Their apettities are even larger than sea mammals, which eat 280 to 500 million of prey anually.
The majority spider species (which are around 45.000) eat insects or collembola, also known as springtails. According to a researcher from the University of Basel, at this point, it is a well-known fact that the arachnids are the most dangerous enemies against insects, next to ants and birds; they help to reduce the quantity of insects.And he also said spiders are helpful because they have an essential contribution to mantaining the ecological balance of nature.
Scientists hope this news will become a surprising fact for population and it helps to increase the people appreciation for spiders.
Link to the news: http://www.euronews.com/2017/03/16/spiders-devour-over-400-million-metric-tons-of-prey-yearly-study

dilluns, 13 de març del 2017



Happiness is a way of living and I there's no better method yo spend good time next to the person you love. In my case, my favourite soulmate is my boyfriend Alex. We met one year agobecause of a common friend.
Physically he is tall and thin and he has a well-buit constitution. He has a tanned skin, which I love, and small borwn eyes. He is a little bit shy but he's also a reliable boy and if you need something he will do whatever he could to give it to you, if you get on well, obvioulsy. 
His perspective of life is simple and joyful because he's always happy and he usually laughs a lot, and he doesn't worry for the things more than it's necessary.



Shall boys have the same “good manners” than before?
When you are knowing a man you will watch over everything he do but when you have to present him to your family it’s an interrogation. Especially our grandmothers pay attention on his manners with you; if he pays for the meal in the first date, if he waits for you to go through the door first, if he accompanies you at home…
Unfortunately a lot of this manners are very sexist and I think it counts a lot in a relationship. For example, why does the man pay for the meal?  Maybe because years ago men have a job while the women were at home, looking for the children. Now, and in the past too, women are more than a simple babysitting, we have a job and we can pay for the meal, we don’t need a boy to do this.